Foreign student – detailed information

Jagiellonian University Medical College, Faculty of Medicine School of  Medicine in English

SURGERY 5th year of the study

Academic year 2023/2024

Cardiac Surgery


Detailed information along with a detailed schedule of teaching classes can also be found on the notice board in the hall in a front of the Conference Room of the Department
of Cardiovadcular Surgery and Transplantology UJ CM, in the St.John Paul II Hospital,  Kraków, Prądnicka 80 street ,  MV building, ground floor, next to the Clinic’s secretary office. 


Course coordinator:  Grzegorz Grudzień MD PhD +48 504299386,


Venue/place to take classes: Department for Cardiovascular Surgery & Transplantology, Jagiellonian University in St. John Paul II Hospital, Kraków, Prądnicka 80 street,
MV Building: Operating Block,  Postoperative Department,  Intensive Care Unit


Place where classes start: hall in a front of the Conference Room of the Department
of Cardiovadcular Surgery and Transplantology UJ CM, in the St.John Paul II Hospital,  Kraków, Prądnicka 80 street ,  MV building, ground floor, next to the Clinic’s secretary office. 


General schedule of classes: The lessons include: seminars, discussion, participation in “Heart Team” consultations, bedside teaching and observation of surgeries (according to the actual epidemiologic situation).


Class hours: Monday: 11.00-15.15,

Tuesday-Friday:  8.00-12.15

Lecturers: Prof. B.Kapelak, Prof. K.Bartuś, Prof. K.Wierzbicki, Prof. J.Konstanty-Kalandyk, Assoc.Prof. J.Piątek, Assoc.Prof. G.Filip, G.Grudzień MD.PhD


Subject regulations:

During classes, a two-piece medical outfit, hospital shoes and headphones are required.

Outerwear and bags/backpacks should be left in the student cloakroom (MV building
at entrance A)

The use of mobile phones and other electronic devices is prohibited during classes
(except for taking notes).


Learning outcomes:

The expected effect of participating in cardiac surgery classes is the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge regarding:

Patient qualification process for classic cardiac surgery or alternative treatment methods (conservative or minimally invasive/procedural/percutaneous treatment – PCI, TAVI, MITRA-CLIP, etc. Diagnosis and management of acute cardiac conditions requiring sudden and urgent cardiac surgical interventions, anticoagulation treatment in patients after cardiac surgery, management in the event of an urgent need to restore the activity of the coagulation system, use of bridging therapy when it is necessary to discontinue oral anticoagulation.

Subjective and objective examination of patients before and after cardiac surgery (recognition of pathological murmurs and proper functioning of biological and artificial/mechanical heart valves). Principles of dealing with postoperative wounds after cardiac surgery. Treatment
of perioperative surgical complications, including surgical site infections in cardiac surgery (VAC negative pressure therapy, mediastinal flow drainage). Preparing patients for planned heart and large vessel surgeries –Prehabilitation Clinic. Intra- and postoperative monitoring
of patients after cardiac surgery. Basic types of cardiac surgery, types of surgical suturing techniques and sutures being used. Principles and indications for the use of extracorporeal circulation and various circulatory support systems (ECMO, IABP, LVAD). 

Indications and contraindications for heart transplantation or implantation of long-term cardiac assist systems (LVAD).


The condition for passing the classes is attendance at all seminars and active participation
in classes.

It is possible to make up classes with other group classes.